Friday, August 27, 2010

My Fabric Bouquet!!

Cynthia Writes:

Here it is ladies and fabric bouquet! I'm really horrible about keeping secrets about my wedding, (this was supposed to be one of them!) so I sent this picture to my sisters. And after my sister Dio posted it on her blog, it gave me an excuse to do the same!!

I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I made it and took it apart 4 or 5 different times. At one point it had leaves, then feathers, then both leaves and feathers! It was looking a little busy so I decided simple was better.

So, what did it cost? Not much at all!

It is all scrap fabric that I already had . The beads, I also already had. The tulle was left over from my sisters' weddings. What I paid for was:
  • Bouquet holder- $2.99
  • Green Ribbon- $3.99
  • Ivory Ribbon - $3.99
  • Pins - $1.99

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