Sunday, August 1, 2010

Change of Plans!

Tim writes:

So it’s official. I just put a deposit down for the reception site. However, there is a slight change. We will be having the reception at Sun City Del Webb in Palm Desert, but the ceremony site will not be at the Miramonte Resort like I had previously stated. The ceremony site will be at the Classic Club in Palm Desert. Where’s that? You might ask… well it’s right off the I-10 freeway near the Cook street exit. It is a GREAT venue with nice views of the golf course and mountains. The Bob Hope Chrysler Classic was held there from 2006-08.

Anyways, I’ll be putting down another $500 deposit next month for it. Cynthia and I are pretty excited since we now have the main venues chosen. Next it’ll be tastings for the menu and the cake. Oh yeah, also the wedding has been changed from June 10, 2011 to June 11, 2011. It’s a Saturday and since there is no difference in cost we decided to move it from a Friday night to a Saturday evening. That’s all for now...

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