Monday, June 28, 2010

When my "Baby" was a baby!

Cynthia writes:

We decided to put together a slideshow for the wedding & I am super excited about it! Yesterday we went over to his parents house for my "birthday sushi" (which was absolutely delicious, btw!) and his mom brought out all kinds of baby pictures and I started scanning away! This morning I went through my mom's pictures and started scanning pictures of myself when I was little.

They are all so cute, I wish I could post them all now! But then it wouldn't be much of a surprise at the wedding now would it!? We are going to have so much fun choosing pictures and adding music to the slideshow. This is one of those things that we'll be able to do together (& hopefully not fight over) that doesn't require money or cause stress! The headaches have already begun and Tim will be blogging soon about the "joys" of finding the perfect venue, so stay tuned!

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