Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tim writes:

So after 16 months together, I decided to "piz-op" the question. Luckily for me, Cynthia said..."YES!" I asked her on her 23rd birthday. For those of you that missed it, you can check out the video on Youtube as well as get a nice account from Cynthia's sister Dio; on her blog. http://dioselina.blogspot.com/2010/06/speaking-of-cupcakes.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwNLhU6UXpI

Anyhoo, since being engaged, we have decide to chronicle this part of our lives together through this blog. We will maintain it until the wedding (and maybe a little after as well...). So join us on our misadventures as we go through all the trials and tribulations of planning a wedding (for 398 Mexicans and 2 Japanese parents = 400 people...) that will be a fusion of 2 distinct cultures (Japanese and Mexican). My wallet hurts already...

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