Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

Cynthia Writes:

Happy New Year familia y amigos!! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. We had a nice little Christmas con la familia & spent the last 16 HOURS of 2010 at Disneyland! Even though I was sick, had a fever and was pretty much whinny the entire time, we managed to have a very nice time with the Rodriguez family!

2011 is going to be an awesome year for Tim & I! June alone will be very exciting. Not only because of the BIG DAY, but because we finally get to move back home!! I'm sure that moving, going to school and finalizing wedding plans will be pretty crazy, but it'll all be worth it. I'm sooooo happy to be back home with family and friends. Other June events include, my (24th) birthday ;), finally being done with school, and leaving on our amazing 10 week honeymoon! We've already been told by Tim's parents many, many times that we need to start working on giving them grandbabies right after the wedding! They have instructed to try everyday on the honeymoon...awkward! lol

When we return from the honeymoon we hope to buy a house and start our little family. It's so strange to think that by the end of 2011 we will be married, will have traveled to beautiful places around the world on an amazing honeymoon, have our own home and possibly be expecting!

It's almost unreal, as if I were writing about someone else's life, not my own... I never imagined myself marrying an old Japanese man! lol I mean... such an amazing, hardworking, patient man that loves me unconditionally!

I Love you HoneyPie! This is only the beginning of our journey!

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