So Cynthia just posted something regarding the postponing of the wedding due to fiduciary issues... in layman's terms... we is broke! So we figured that having a few extra months for me to save some cash would allow us to have the wedding that we want. And when I say "we," I mean Cynthia. Ha ha ha....
So I get my taxes done over the weekend and after having to pay a grand or so in owed taxes from 2009, my Tio (uncle) Sam a.k.a. da United States Government comes through and hooks me up with a HUGE refund! All in all, I can now pay for the wedding in its entirety by NEXT MONTH!!!! Pretty sweet right!?
The only problem now is that I have to pay for this honeymoon in installments every month. But now that I'm getting paid from the Sheriff's Office for my reserve time, this honeymoon seems more do-able than ever.
So thank you Tio Sam and God Bless America!
So thank you Tio Sam and God Bless America!