Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The DIY Projects Continue!

Cynthia Writes:

After picking up my dress and veil last Saturday, I went shoe shopping with my mom and Tim on Sunday. I already had a specific shoe in mind and the plan was to go in, find them, pay and leave! But of course, it didn't happen that way. When I tried them on, they weren't very comfortable and the color was about three shades darker than in the picture.

Tim pointed out some shoes that I thought looked a little "mom-ish", but I tried them on anyway. They were pretty comfortable and the color matched my dress a little better, but I still thought it was something I'd like more for my mom. Fortunately, I took a flower with me that I had made (for my hair piece) to try to match the shoe color to. Jokingly, Tim said to make two flowers and put them on my shoes... and that's how my wedding shoes were born!

It's funny how with so many things I think I know exactly what I like and don't like. But when I try on what I think I don't like, it's what ends up looking the best!

Before going dress shopping, I thought I wanted something more contemporary and non-traditional. I also thought I wanted a small birdcage veil. But after trying on my dress with a more traditional veil, I really felt like a "Bride".

Moral of the story: Keep an open mind!

Having my kimono, dress, veil and shoes makes it so real! It's so exciting to see everything coming together and I can't wait for the big day when I get to marry my best friend!